Have you ever dreamed of having magic to make your love last longer? If there is
magic, love will be all around, no more sorrow. Or maybe it’s just that some people
learn secrets of success from their grandparents or other relatives or friends. And since
the latter is probably more accurate, here are some tried and true tips from people
who have enjoyed lengthy happy relationships.
- Dates: Keep dating each other. Even if life seems too busy, meet at the end of
the evening for something light and easy, like viewing your favorite sitcom (record it if
necessary) together or playing a game of Euchre.
- Space: Give each other some space. Either you trust, or you don’t. Get on with
life, though. People need time alone and time with their mates and other friends. Be
sure to give and take your fair share of space.
- Forget: There is no need to remember the bad things that happened during
an argument. Actively forget sometimes. Be the first to apologize and make up. Go for
- Fun: Couples tend to have fun on dates, then get married and be too serious.
Lighten up and do fun activities like- mini-golf, paintball, snorkel, bowling, cards, and
- Disagree: Agree that it’s okay to disagree on some issues, and leave it at
that—no need to create a new religion or political movement to appease both of you.
You don’t have to agree on everything. You won’t, and that’s okay.
- Refresh: Take time to look back, refresh your memories and share what
brought you together. Especially when times are difficult, lean back and rely on these
old memories as your foundation and glue yourselves back together with them (not
literally, of course!)
- Memories: Make some together. Enjoy special moments, anniversary dates,
and events—no need to elaborate. For example, maybe you enjoyed watching a hot
air balloon race one spring day. Next year, you might schedule a time to watch it again.
Make it an annual event. Collect postcards with balloons on them, play cards, toss
pillows, and become a theme over time.
Start now with these simple ideas to keep your relationship with your special person
longer. Most importantly, couples can happily stay together as they understand and
complete each other.
-By: Warrnette Lewis